Complete moisture detection system for flat roofs

Keep your flat roof in top condition with Tector’s advanced moisture detection system.

Talk to our experts
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tector's flat roof sensor installed on a rooftop

How do we detect moisture in flat roofs?

  • Tector's wireless sensors talk directly to our web-based app, giving you real-time data and alerts.
    We use AI to keep an eye on moisture levels 24/7.
    This keeps you in control, no matter where you are.

The challenge

We all know that deciding to construct a flat roof comes with its risk.

  • On average, it amounts to 3.31% of total construction costs.
  • We have detected more than 1 damage during construction on average
  • Statistics show that more than 50% of projects have defects in their flat roof leading to critical disruptions after handover.

Defects arise due to

  • Workmanship
  • Rush during construction & lack of quality assurance
  • Technical design issues
  • Material & other subcontractors accidentally break the roof felt.

On top of being a risk area, the risk of water ingress on a flat roof increases with:

  • Solar panels (adds weight and/or penetration to the surface)
  • Green/blue roofs & roof terrace (adds layers on top of the structure which complicate leak localisation)
  • Technical installations (adds many penetrations and complications that can be difficult to seal 100%)

The solution

  • Install sensors every 15-25 m2 close to risk areas (depends on complexity of the roof).
  • The sensors are installed underneath the roof felt and insulation, but on top of the waterproofing membrane.
  • The sensors are installed by the people on site in less than a minute per sensor.
  • This gives an immediate warning as soon the roof felt has a defect and water ingresses into the insulation layer - before it becomes expensive to repair and damages the construction underneath.

Benefits of moisture sensors

  • A cheaper and more efficient continuous quality assurance of the work done on the roof
  • Immediate detection enabling repair costs up to 95% cheaper than later detection
  • Enhanced focus on quality throughout the project and transparency enabling better collaboration & less conflicts
  • Increased insurability & savings of up to 50% on excess related to water ingress

Flat roof moisture sensors

  • Spot on accuracy: Tector’s AI wireless sensors provide accuracy and reliability far beyond manual measurement methods.
  • Long performance: built to last up to 10 years, so you don’t have to worry about replacements.
  • Easy placement: Designed to fit anywhere, our sensors go where others can’t, ensuring no spot is missed.
  • Saving money: Say goodbye to costly manual checks. Tector’s system saves you time and cuts labour costs.
  • Real-time data: Get instant data on moisture levels so you can act fast and make smart decisions.
easily placed flat roof sensor

Prevent damage from water ingress

Get alerts when moisture levels are critical.

Track water movement in your building's blueprint.

See a timeline of water ingress and flow, so you can tackle issues before they escalate.

Stay ahead with real-time insights and proactive moisture management.

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Build better

Protect yourself, your team, and your tenants with smart preventative measures.

Avoid costly delays and extra expenses by having a clear moisture management plan.

Build a stronger, longer-lasting building, whether it’s a hospital, school, or any other space.

Moisture sensors enhance construction safety

"We believe that sustainability, digitalization and new technologies must be combined to achieve our ambitious climate goals. It has become clear to us that a collaboration with Tector's sensor solution is a step in the right direction to achieve our goals."
Marianne Friis
Arkitema, COWI
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Measure moisture like it's 2024

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