
Always in-the-know

You don’t need to care about moisture levels in your building. Until you do. Focus on all other work going on on your construction site knowing you’ll be alerted when moisture issues need your attention.

Talk to our experts
a white speech bubble with the words alert

Three alert types, total coverage

Just like we run a multi-layered data analysis on moisture measurements, we also have multiple alarm types to ensure we cover all potential issues with built in redundancy.

Threshold alert can be configured by the user based on conditional based logic: big increases in moisture, humidity above certain value, when conditions for mould growth are in place, etc.
Reference alert notifies you when values are above what sensors in that exact placement should be.
Intelligent alert notifies you when values are abnormal compared to local weather, location, historic data & season

Monitoring Moisture in the Faroe Islands’ First CLT Building

By using Tector's sensors, we eliminated the need for random sampling, as the sensors provided continuous, accurate data. This allowed us to streamline quality assurance and make informed decisions on-site.
Gudmund Nielsen
Project Manager
Read case


What type of moisture alerts exist?

Our alert system is flexible and can be tailored to your specific needs. On the platform we distinguish between:

  • Built-in alerts
  • Custom alerts

Built-in alerts are alerts we have defined in advance, which by default are activated for any sensor after being set up, unless anything else has been agreed upon. These alert include:

  • Alert regarding missing values: When the sensor hasn't sent the expected measurements for 48 hours, 1 week, and 4 weeks, respectively.
  • Alert regarding big increase in moisture: When two subsequent moisture measurements show an increase in wood moisture by more than 5%.
  • Alert regarding moisture content above reference values: When the median of the last week of moisture readings is above a reference value. A reference value is the expected moisture content of a sensor given its placement. 

Custom Alerts

Custom alerts can be tailored to most scenarios by defining a set of alert criteria, all of which must be met before an alert is sent. An alert criterion is defined as in the image below by choosing a parameter, an operator and a value.

All alert can be activated or deactivated at any time for each individual sensor.

What is an intelligent moisture alert?

A moisture alert is a notification from Tector, that is sent to you by email depending on your preferences, and is related to a given moisture sensor.

The notification is sent if our alarm system has detected any irregularities, which should be looked into. The notification always contains a description of the given situation hence indicating what the situation looks like.

Moisture problems?

Not with Tector on your side, providing real-time alerts and peace of mind.
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